Charlotte Thomas

Charlotte Thomas


Hi! My name is Charlotte Thomas, I’m a 22 y.o French Developer, System Admin (Linux Expert), and general IT Specialist. I have a good job and I like it so if you’re a recruiter you do not need to send me an email.

Same if you’re looking for a developer to commission please search someone else I’m not your gal.

I love a variety of language, my languages of choice nowadays are Rust and OCaml. Although I do like a plethora of other languages.

My favourite projects are Calc and BaguetteSharp.

I like writing parsers, interpreters, and compilers. I settled into a basic technique of pratt-parsing from Calc and onwards.


I am a queer woman. I am (not-exaustively) lesbian, asexual, and demiromantic.

If you need help from a queer person, please, contact me you can see here how to contact me. Especially if you’re in France, I can see where I can help you, do not hesitate to reach out, I answer pretty quickly.

Contact me with either of these topic emails, I will be able to answer quicker {queer|help} [at] me+{queer|help} [at]


I am also a writer. I wrote a short-story, and I used to write a novel. I scrapped this novel to write a new one, based on the same idea but rewritten from the ground up, with improved prose grammar and everything (including real beta-readers!).

This new novel is Galactic Consequences you can find the writing blog where I post the development of the novel.

The status is currently: WIP about 25% of the first draft done


I. Work experience

II. Education

III. Academia & al

A. Full CV

You can find my CV on the following format here:

The source code (Typst file, Typst template, and man pages) of my CV can be found on the GitHub repo.

To open the man page just do (depending on the language):

curl | man -l - curl | man -l -


This website uses the Monaspace Neon font for text and Monaspace Xenon for the code.

I may change it if I want to, if you have any suggestions for fonts send me an email at either of these adresses. web [at] me+web [at]

About Me

I am using she/they pronouns and feminine accords.

You can find my writing website, it’s the blog and central place where I gush or vent about my life and from time to time, what I write as well.

You can find me there: